God’s Gifts at Christmas: 1. Accessibility

I have been watching The Crown on Netflix lately. Though I had already watched the first three seasons, I needed a refresher because I didn’t remember a whole lot! While watching this time, I noticed something I missed before: the intentional inaccessibility of the royals to the ‘common people.’   With the anointing by the Archbishop of Canterbury,Continue reading “God’s Gifts at Christmas: 1. Accessibility”

Thankfulness in 2020: Where, exactly?!

November 22, 2020 Someone recently remarked that perhaps we shouldn’t celebrate a new year before we have had the chance to see how it plays out; maybe we should celebrate the year after it proves itself – not before.  I f that were the case, 2020 would perhaps be the least celebrated year ever – butContinue reading “Thankfulness in 2020: Where, exactly?!”

What Now? Take a Good Look!

November 8, 2020 Today the election was decided.  Today many folks are ecstatic and many are despairing.   Today we are being given an opportunity to reflect on what was and consider what we want to become going forward. These last few months and years, the shadowy places in our hearts and minds, our families and ourContinue reading “What Now? Take a Good Look!”