Weeds, Broken Pavers, and Sinkholes

June 27, 2020 Recently, someone came to my home for an appropriately social distanced and masked meeting.  The person had never met me or been to my home before. When he arrived, he was a bit tentative about which door to go to – the front or the side – as he told me later.  His uncertaintyContinue reading “Weeds, Broken Pavers, and Sinkholes”

But Who?

June 14, 2020 I’ve had many zoom conversations over the last several weeks that spoke in terms of hopelessness, helplessness, and frustration: Covid -19 Racism Political chaos Lack of accountability Dubious leadership Poverty Sex trafficking And that’s just the tip of the conversational iceberg! So many challenges and concerns identified and labeled.  So much anger.Continue reading “But Who?”